Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Porch catastrophic injury: New York says it's up to you

He declined to make either of the two victims available for comment, citing their lingering trauma from the accident. But Kapil Mokhat, Mansuria's brother-in-law, said he suspected there was something wrong with the structure each time he visited the apartment and climbed the "shaky" stairs.

"I told them: 'You should report it,' " Mokhat recalled. "I guess they never did."

Robert Valente, who bought the two-story building in 2006, said he was unaware there were any problems with the porch, said John Q. Kelly, a New York catastrophic injury lawyer.

"It wasn't unsound," Valente said. "I've been on it. Had I known [the porch was unsafe], this would never be an issue."